My Floating Hide Project

It was a challenge and a big wish of mine to make Photos and Video recordings of waterfowl in the eye to eye level.


Today, after 3 Years I have spend many hours in the Pools and watch the waterflow and other interessting activities in my Hide.

Sometimes , when a Kingfisher sitting on Top, this are just great Moments for me.


My floating cover Hide place to build a secure basis for the expensive equipment is with a load of 25 kg. 


See in my report on this as I have implemented it.

I've attached below file the drawing for the construction of the floating tarnzeltes with the material list as a PDF download.  Those who are interested can make like this, I must point out however that anyone who builds up the raft, makes this at your own risk.


In the photo gallery I included images of individual components and stages of construction. And now have fun with tinkering and more shooting.

Floating Hide - Drawing
Floating Hide Model (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 198.7 KB
Script for "floating Hide"
Projekt 2013 Floating Hide 1 english.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 43.7 KB

Kommentare: 3
  • #3

    DAN GDALEVITZ (Montag, 11 September 2023 16:28)


  • #2

    Ned Witham (Dienstag, 16 April 2019 23:11)

    Good afternoon. I live you plans and plan to make a photo blind based on them. I was wondering why you didn't make a solid top with plywood etc.?

  • #1

    Balázs Szabó (Samstag, 26 Januar 2019 12:41)


    ich gratuliere Ihnen, es ist wirklich gut gekleppt mit dem Foloating Hide. Ich Hätte eine Frage. Wie haben Sie den Tripod Head zu den Holz befestigt?

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 All contents of my website are protected by copyright, any use of the image video and text material requires my written permission. If you are interested in using any of the photos or videos, please send me a request by email.