It was not until the end of April that I saw the first blue crack near Androlikou this year. At the end of May about 15 breeding pairs were gathered in Androlikou and the surrounding area and
moved into the breeding grounds. At that time there were still 5 Golden Oriol in the village with the mulberry trees.
The abandoned and crumbling buildings form ideal conditions for the brood of the blue-racks and these places are occupied anew every year.
In the breeding areas at Anarita, the road to Nata and in the rocks at the tributary of the Xeros River into the Asprokremmos Dam, there were also fewer blue racks this year.
The breeding season is over, the last young blue-racks have left their nests in Androlikou around the 13th of July. They are still found in the early morning near the breeding grounds before they
set off to fill the power lines next to the road to Ineia for foraging. Last year, they were seen there until September.
European Roller at pound
Cyprus, Androlikou, 28,05,2019, Canon EOS R, EF100-400mm f4,5-5,6II + TC1,4x, Modus M, f8, 1250/1 sec, ISO 800
European Roller at at brood cave
Cyprus, Androlikou, 27.06.2019, Canon EOS R, EF100-400mm f4,5-5,6 II + TC1,4x, Modus M, f8, 1600/1 sec, ISO 1250
European Roller at at brood cave
Cyprus, Androlikou, 27.06.2019, Canon EOS R, EF100-400mm f4,5-5,6 II + TC1,4x, Modus M, f8, 1600/1 sec, ISO 1250
European Roller Chick in brood cave
Cyprus, Androlikou, 27.06.2019, Canon EOS R, EF100-400mm f4,5-5,6 II + TC1,4x, Modus M, f8, 1600/1 sec, ISO 1250
juvenile European Roller after leave the brood cave
Cyprus, Androlikou, 17.07.2019, Canon EOS R, Sigma 150-600mm f5-6,3 C, Modus M, f6,3, 800/1 sec, ISO 320
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