Artikel mit dem Tag "2022-E"

07. Oktober 2022
In August 2022, during my visit to Altmannstein - Bavaria, I discovered a green woodpecker male with a young bird in the neighbor's garden. The green woodpecker is also called ground woodpecker or grass woodpecker. That's because its diet consists almost entirely of ants. So he hops around longer distances without flying in short jumps on the grassy areas.

27. Juli 2022
The video with migratory birds and native bird species at the new bird pond from the month of April can now be seen online on my YouTube channel. The bird species are also listed individually in the video catalog for targeted search of the individual species. Hardly a day goes by without me making changes to the background and deco of the system to get the best lighting conditions for the shots. At the end of April, an old dried out vine was added as decoration, which was very well received by...

28. Mai 2022
Idee, Aufbau und Start eines im Boden eingelassenen Fotoversteck mit davor eingebautem Folienteich für Video und Foto Aufnahmen.

01. Mai 2022
I would like to recommend this important video to you, for which I have recorded some contributions with the camera. Through the perspective of the Eleonora’s Falcon, a migratory bird of prey that visits the Akrotiri Peninsula every summer to breed, the documentary highlights the importance of this natural area and tells the story of the challenges it faces. Director – Producer: Madelaine Westwood - Nutshell Productions/GAFI The creation of this documentary was supported by the RSPB...
20. April 2022
The first video with migratory birds and native bird species at the new bird pond from the month of February is ready and can be seen online on my YouTube channel. The bird species are provided with a catalog in the video, so that you can also select individual species. The surveillance camera provided me with an astonishing number of bird species in a number that I did not expect, which is worth taking a look. Hardly a day goes by without me making changes to the background and deco of the...

02. März 2022
Idee, Aufbau und Start eines im Boden eingelassenen Fotoversteck mit davor eingebautem Folienteich für Video und Foto Aufnahmen.

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