In my blog 2023 I currently reports about bird life and nature of the island of Cyprus with Infos, images and videos. Older blog articles can be found in the Blog Archives

Troodos-Lizard - Zypern-Lizard (Phoenicolacerta troodica)

The Troodos lizard, also called Cyprus lizard, belongs to the class of reptiles (Reptilia)


- Family of the real lizards (Lacertidae) and the genus Phoenicolacerta.


It is endemic to Cyprus. (Info Wikipedia)

I modeled the outer areas around the bird pond with additional stones, so that the new photo and video recordings of the year 2023 do not show the same background as the time before.
The changes have obviously also pleased the Cyprus lizards, more and more feel very comfortable there. Now, at the beginning of March, it is mating season and you can see the green males and brown females in their mating behavior.
This sometimes leads to direct attacks and the loss of the tail, which then slowly grows back.
Below are some photos aditional to my video



Zypern-, Troodos-Eidechse (Phoenicolacerta troodica)

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, März. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Zypern-, Troodos-Eidechse (Phoenicolacerta troodica)

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, März. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Zypern-, Troodos-Eidechse (Phoenicolacerta troodica)

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, März. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Male lizard sex characteristic
Male lizard sex characteristic

Zypern-, Troodos-Eidechse (Phoenicolacerta troodica)

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, März. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Zypern-, Troodos-Eidechse (Phoenicolacerta troodica)

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, März. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Zypern-, Troodos-Eidechse (Phoenicolacerta troodica)

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, März. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Zypern-, Troodos-Eidechse (Phoenicolacerta troodica)

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, März. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Zypern-, Troodos-Eidechse (Phoenicolacerta troodica)

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, März. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

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Photo Hide at Bird pound - February 2023

Palmtaube, Laughing Dove, Spilopelia senegalensis
Palmtaube, Laughing Dove, Spilopelia senegalensis

The big spring migration at my pool in the garden hasn't really got going yet.


I've been waiting for the big rush since the end of February.


Gebirgsstelze, Grey Wagtail, Motacilla cinerea

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Singdrossel, Song Thrush, Turdus philomelos

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Zilpzalp, Common Chiffchaff, Phylloscopus collybita

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600


Kohlmeise, Great Tit, Parus Major

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Zilpzalp, Common Chiffchaff, Phylloscopus collybita

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600

Rotkehlchen, European Robin, Erithacus rubecula

Hide + Pound - Agios Georgios, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, L-Mount

1/1000, f11, ISO 1600


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Migration Birds and Winter Guest- Februar 2023

Steinkauz, Little Owl
Steinkauz, Little Owl

As always in spring, winter guests can be found in the usual places around Paphos.


The Finch´s Wheatear has been found in its territory for several years.


This also applies to the little owls, which spend the winter together in pairs and are already making preparations for the next breeding season at their breeding sites

Felsensteinschmätzer, Finsch`s Wheatear,

Oenanthe finschii, Anarita, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma Pro 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, 1/1300, f7,1, ISO 1600

Schwarzkehlchen, Stonechat, Saxicola torquata,

Anarita, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma Pro 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, 1/1000, f8, ISO 1600

Zilpzalp, Common Chiffchaff, Phylloscopus collybitailp, Agios Georgios, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma Pro 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, 1/1000, f9, ISO 1600

Braunkehlchen, Whinchat, Saxicola rubetra,

Anarita, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma Pro 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, 1/1000, f7,1, ISO 1600

Steinkauz, Little Owl, Athene noctua

Anarita, Feb. 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma Pro 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, 1/1000, f8, ISO 1600

Tannenmeise, Coal Tit cypriotes, Periparus cypriotes, Troodos, Januar 2023

Panasonic DC-S1R + Sigma Pro 150-600 f5-6,3 DG DN OS Sport, 1/800, f7,1, ISO 1600

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